1, Manufacturer:我们是100%的制造商!质量和细节,是我们品牌活力的延续,我们可以100%保证.
2, production time:我们没有经过交易,直接到我们自己的工厂生产,在保证质量的前提下,使用最快的生产时间,可以快速交货,大大缩短了时间
3, Price:我们所有的产品都是我们自己生产的,我们使用什么样的材料?研究和开发的成本是多少?制造成本是多少??我们都很清楚,因为所有的产品都是自己生产的,所以价格当然是最低的.
4, we mainly do innovative products, high quality products, we will not make cheap products, because this is not our company's market direction, All the products of our company, quality is very good.
5, Recommendation:我们也不希望您购买便宜的产品,购买后无法使用,或者在使用过程中出现问题,这会对客户产生很大影响,这会延误您的时间对您的负面影响客户,也浪费运费,你的生意失去了你的心情不好.
6, we have many years of experienced production staff and strong production equipment, large printing presses, many factories do not have such a machine, the print pattern is very clear
7, our factory has our own R & D team, we can customize the 3D product model for you, you can put the product model through our technology and production capacity, can be achieved very perfect
9, welcome to consult for more understanding!